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Great Marsh Projects

Invasive Plants crowd out native vegetation by reducing sunlight, moisture, and nutrients. Phragmites australis and perennial pepperweed are highly invasive plants that are destroying the Great Marsh. Over 200 acres of invasive Phragmites stands have been mapped and treated on the marsh of the Great Marsh in Ipswich, Rowley, Newbury, Newburyport, and Salisbury.

Invasive Plant Management


Invasive Plant Management

Treatment of another invasive plant, perennial pepperweed, is also underway on the 8,000 acres of marsh that are infested with, or under imminent threat from, the expansion of this invasive plant. Maintenance level control activities are required to keep the Phragmites and pepperweed managed until scientific recommendations can be implemented including biological controls and the restoration of the natural tidal flow to these areas.

Invasive Plant Management
A Management Project
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Eelgrass Restoration
Beach Dune Restoration
Green Crab Management
Invasive Plant Management
Marsh Bank Erosion
Marsh Drainage Restoration
Living Shorelines
Marine Debris
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© 2017 Great Marsh Partnership

Great Marsh Partnership  |  Contact Peter Phippen  |  |  978-729-9067


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